
Network Build up

CRDC-FC performed to create network of cooperation, include funding organization, government sector,   for improvement and strengthening of R&D unit in Thailand by MOU and contact with company, both international and domestic, and preliminary UIL activity (University – Industry Linkage). The plan was executed according to center framework.


Private company that CRDC-FC serve were list below

  1. Large corporations or Industry Leaders
  2. Technology transfer between industry and academic
  3. 3. Innovation create by connection of government, academic, and private. The project were list below

3.1 Cryogenic Project
3.2 Cooperation with EGAT
3.3 Medical Material Development
3.4 Application of thermal spray in agricultural part
3.5 Hyper Car Development
3.6 Innovation for Production of Frictional Materials for Automotive Industries
3.7 3D Printing Development
3.8 Metal 3D Print Development
3.9 Smart Vehicle Development
3.10 Instruments Development